Romantisches Hotel zur Post
Rhein-Mosel-Str. 21
56332 Brodenbach
Rheinland-Pfalz (Mayen-Koblenz)
Herzlich Willkommen im Romantischen Hotel zur Post! Wo bereits vor 250 Jahren die Herren der Ehrenburg Reisenden ein Refugium boten und Postkutscher sich und den Pferden eine Verschnaufpause gönnten, finden Sie heute ein liebevoll restauriertes und individuell ausgestattetes Hotel. Ganz in alter Tradition und zugleich behutsam modern, bietet das Romantische Hotel zur Post seinen Gästen einen Ort der Ruhe und Erholung. In einer der schönsten und klimatisch bevorzugten Gegenden Deutschlands schmiegt sich das historische Haus in die Kurven des Moseltals und gewährt einen herrlichen Blick auf den Fluss und die sonnenbeschienenen Weinberge... Rezeptionszeiten:Mo. - Fr.: von 15:00 bis 22:00 UhrSa. und So.: von 15:00 bis 22:00 Uhr.
We would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Romantisches Hotel zur Post.We have many parking spaces available where you can leave you car during your trip.Free for youHotel guests receive a free bottle of water.When booking with us, you will enjoy complimentary parking at the hotel.For your convenience, we have a complimentary shuttle service from the train station.We provide guests with a complimentary shuttle service to the train station.Late check-out is available for free, please ask reception staff.Make yourself at homecatch up with friends in the lobby area, or grab a book and head to the reading room.A garden terrace is also provided.We have a great range of vegetarian meals available.Where you will stayIf you need to use your suite as an office space, you will enjoy the desk available.In each and every hotel room there is also satellite TV.Bathrooms in this hotel come with windows.A shower awaits you in all of the bathrooms.The sound proof windows in each hotel room block out unwanted exterior noise.Leisure activities available include water skiing and sailing.One of the leisure activities offered at the hotel is taking a walk on our walking trails. It's really popular among our visitors and offers a great opportunity to share some fun moments with your friends.In case you happen to have some spare time, try out some of the leisure activities, for example fishing, where you and your family will have a relaxing yet fun-filled day.Business hours of reception:On business days: from 15:00 to 22:00On the weekend: from 15:00 to 22:00.
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